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IMATA's Mission Statement

"The International Marine Animal Trainers' Association is dedicated to advancing the humane care and handling of marine animals by fostering communication between professionals that serve marine animal science through training, public display, research, husbandry, conservation, and education."

IMATA is dedicated to providing and advancing the most professional, effective, and humane care of marine animals in all habitats.

IMATA provides opportunities for marine animal trainers to exchange and disseminate current knowledge, research and training information in both professional and social settings. In addition, IMATA maintains a positive public image by preparing its members to act as ambassadors of the marine animal community.

IMATA provides its professional members a forum through which to share and learn the most progressive and responsible management techniques benefiting the marine animals in their care. The animals' wellbeing is IMATA's priority. The public's experience with these animals fosters emotional and personal connections that promote conservation of our marine environments and respect for marine species.

IMATA's mission is to inspire its members to strive for excellence and foster communication through participation in IMATA-sponsored educational programs that foster the exchange of science, information and ideas. These include workshops, seminars, publications, conferences and individual interaction.



IMATA's Values


= Train animals emphasizing positive reinforcement to ensure humane care


= Respect and support to all colleagues and organizations in the field


= Advance opportunities for personal and professional growth


= International networking and open communication


= Novel approaches toward ‘green’ practices and conservation


= Excitement, fun, laughter, and friendship


= Resource of professionals, leaders, and experts in the animal field


= Sensational customer service to members and the community



IMATA has established a community of members aspiring to attain the objectives of the Association and committed to its code of professional ethics.

How can you become an IMATA member?

Students, professionals, interested individuals, and organizations are all part of our membership. Visit our our Membership section for additional details, or CLICK HERE to join now.

What are some benefits of being an IMATA member?

Members of IMATA receive our quarterly magazine, Soundings, which routinely contains articles concerning animal husbandry, questions and answers about training techniques, and news about the activities of the organization and its members.

We also provide members access to our membership directory, which lists all of our members worldwide, as well as the names and addresses of marine mammal employers.

We invite you to participate in our annual conference. The conference is hosted by different facilities around the world. You can also attend a regional conference held in your area.

Our members hold unparalleled experience, knowledge, and resources to make training and caring for marine animals positive, safe, fun, and productive.


Join us and share the experience.