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Seminar: The Importance of Acoustics in Cetacean Animal Care


Tuesday, 20 August 2024

2:00 PM EST 


Seminar Summary:
Sound is arguably the most important sense to cetaceans yet we focus very little on this huge aspect of these animals’ worlds in professional care. Dr. Bruck will take you on a tour of what we know about the acoustic world of professionally-cared for cetaceans, what we still need to learn and how cetacean welfare science can better incorporate acoustics in both enrichment and monitoring. 


Presenter Bio:
Dr. Jason Bruck is an Associate Professor of Biology at Stephen F. Austin State University and founding board member of the Marine Mammal Research Network. His research focuses on cetacean communication, cognition and conservation with current projects related to studying noise impacts on marine mammals, experimental drone development, kin recognition in dolphins and beluga bioacoustics. 

This seminar is free for IMATA members. Please register for this seminar by CLICKING HERE.