On 15 December 2022 the Taronga Conservation Society welcomed a new addition to its long-nosed or New Zealand fur seal colony. The male pup, yet to be named, was born to dam Keke and sire Bondi. This is the second pup from this pairing. Their first pup ...
The Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) will require accredited zoos to phase out the use of the ankus (or bull hook) in elephant management programs.
Wildlife and Exotic Animal Symposium will feature a diverse range of topics on a variety of species such as rabbits, reptiles, goldfish, sea otters, birds of prey, and primates to name a few. Information on diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, surgical procedures, anesthesia, and zoo/conservation medicine will also be provided.
The International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association (IMATA) conducted a multi-day workshop for students at the Osaka College of Eco and Animals (OCEA) in Osaka, Japan.
July 8 is International Save the Vaquita Day, a day marked by events designed to raise awareness of the world’s most endangered marine mammal. The International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association (IMATA) will mark the occasion by reaffirming their support of the ambitious plan to help save the vaquita porpoise from extinction in the northern Gulf of California.
It is no exaggeration to state that most of the advancements across all sectors of animal welfare over the past 30 years are due to the work spearheaded and continued to this day by marine mammal training professionals, particularly those represented by the International Marine Animal Trainers’ Association.
As IMATA members are the experts in the field of marine mammal training and husbandry, the organization submitted the following suggestions to the Agency during the proposed rulemaking’s public comment period.
The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) section 101(a)(4)(A) allows for private citizens to employ measures to deter marine mammals from damaging fishing gear and catch, damaging personal or public property, or endangering personal safety, as long as these measures do not result in death or serious injury of marine mammals. NOAA Fisheries is seeking information as we develop guidelines for private citizens to safely deter marine mammals in approved situations.
28-29 April 2014 - Hosted by New England Aquarium - Join us for 2 days of exciting presentations, panel discussions, behind the scene tours, and animal training sessions.
29-30 April 2014 - Hosted by San Diego SeaWorld and the San Diego Zoological Society - The highlights will include live training demonstrations involving multiple species and allows for questions and answer opportunities after each session. Informal papers from around the region will be presented in the afternoon and evening.
2 May 2014 - Hosted by Shedd Aquarium - This year's Midwest regionals are being held at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, Illinois. We are planning some fun things for the day!
Hosted by: Dolphin Cove. Come one, come all to IMATA's Southeast Regional Workshop hosted by Dolphin Cove in sunny Key Largo, FL! Join us 30 May - 1 June 2014 for a remarkable combination of presentations, demonstrations, workshops, behind the scenes tours, guest lectures, and the debut of the Trainer Olympics!
The College of Marine Mammal Professions licensed by the Florida Commission for Independent Education, License No. 4766 is now offering an Associate of Science in Marine Mammal Behavior, Care and Training (MMBCT).
2013 is certain to be another inspiring year and I am excited to be serving this year as President of IMATA. I know many of you recently attended our 40th Annual IMATA Conference in Hong Kong. I hope you enjoyed this groundbreaking meeting as much as I did. It was a meeting during which I had the opportunity to fully embrace IMATA as an international organization.
Juvenile otter rescued on the road—pup was likely looking for separated mother (Alaska SeaLife Center, Indianapolis Zoo, New York Aquarium/Wildlife Conservation Society).